Keeping Quiet by Pablo Neruda
The poem "Keeping Quiet" by Pablo Neruda motivates people to accept silence and look within. It is a poem of introspection in which we must look within ourselves. This poem is an excellent choice for grade 12 students studying English literature. We will study a comprehensive guide to understanding and analysing Keeping Quiet"
Keeping Quiet Central Idea:
The central idea of the poem is universal brotherhood and peace. In addition, the poet has a vision of a world in which we can learn to love and cherish one another and live in unity and harmony with nature.Keeping Quiet Cbse Class 12 Summary:
The poet asks us to be silent and still until twelve, and he asks us to stop everything for a short time during which no one speaks, moves, or does anything. The poet Pablo Neruda believes that in this silence we can better understand ourselves and others. He also promotes the importance of self-reflection and insight, asking us to count to twelve and learn to love and appreciate each other.
Keeping Quiet Cbse class 12 meanings:
1. Silence - the absence of sound or noise
2. Silence - the absence of movement or activity
3. Introspection - the act of examining one's thoughts and feelings
4. Self-reflection - the act of looking at oneself and analysing one's thoughts and actions
5. Understanding - the ability to comprehend or grasp information
6. Aggression - hostile or violent behaviour toward others
7. Violence - the use of physical force to harm others
8. Harmony - a state of peaceful coexistence and equilibrium
9. Universal brotherhood - the idea that all people are connected and should live in peace and harmony with each other
10. Peace - a state of tranquilly and serenity, free from conflict or violence
11. Metaphor - a figure of speech that compares two things without using "like" or "as"
12. Symbolism - the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities
13. Symbolism - the use of symbols to represent ideas or properties
14. Metrical feet - the basic unit of measurement in poetry, consisting of stressed and unstressed syllables
15. Free verse - poetry that does not follow a particular rhyme or metre scheme
Keeping Quiet CBSE Class 12 Explanation:
Keeping Quiet is a symbolic poem in which we find metaphors and other poetic devices. The poem uses many images, that is, we can imagine the images of the word, for example, the image of a tree, birds and rivers to explain the unity of nature. The poet contrasts the violence and aggression of people towards nature and people towards each other. The poet believes that in silence we can find peace and go to a deeper level.
Keeping Quiet CBSE Class 12 MCQ:
1. What is the main theme of "Keeping Quiet"?
a) The beauty of nature
b) The importance of self-reflection and understanding
c) The need for universal brotherhood
d) The harm of aggression and violence
Answer: b) The importance of self-reflection and understanding
2. What does the poet ask people to do in the poem?
a) Stop talking, moving, and doing for a moment
b) to start singing and dancing
c) go out and explore nature
d) join hands and form a circle
Answer: a) Stop talking, moving and doing for a moment
3. What is the significance of counting to twelve in the poem?
a) It represents the 12 months of the year
b) It symbolizes the 12 signs of the zodiac
c) It is a way to slow down and appreciate life
d) It stands for the 12 apostles of Jesus
Answer: c) It is a way to slow down and appreciate life
4. Which image does the poet use to illustrate the beauty and balance of nature?
a) Trees, birds and rivers
b) Mountains and valleys
c) oceans and beaches
d) clouds
Answer: a) Trees, birds and rivers
5. What is the poet's vision for the world in "Keeping Quiet"?
a) A world without violence and aggression
b) A world where people live in harmony with each other and with nature
c) A world where people are free to express themselves
d) A world where everyone is rich and successful
Answer: b) A world where people live in harmony with each other and with nature
Keeping Quiet Poetic Devices:
"Keeping Quiet" by Pablo Neruda is a poem that uses several literary devices to convey its message. Here are some of the main devices used in the poem:1. Symbolism: the poet uses the image of trees, birds and rivers to represent the harmony and balance of nature. The contrast between this image and the violence and aggression of humans emphasises the damage humans do to nature and each other.
2. Metaphor: The poet uses a metaphor to compare counting the twelve to a moment of silence and introspection. By comparing counting to introspection, the poet suggests that people can learn to slow down and appreciate the beauty of life.
3. Imagery: the poet uses vivid language and sensory details to create images in the reader's mind. For example, the image of "a "forest of hands" creates a powerful image of people coming together in silence and introspection.
4. Repetition: The poet uses repetition of the phrase "keep quiet" to emphasize the importance of silence and introspection. Repetition also creates a sense of rhythm and continuity throughout the poem.
5. Free Verse: The poem does not follow a specific rhyme or meter scheme. This allows the poet to use language more flexibly and expressively, creating a sense of spontaneity and naturalness that fits the poem's message of stillness and introspection.
6. Metrical Feet: The poem uses a variety of metrical feet, such as iambic and trochaic, to create a sense of rhythm and flow. This adds to the musicality of the poem and makes it more enjoyable to read aloud.
7. Personification: the poet personifies nature by describing it as "hearing" and "seeing" This creates a sense of connection between humans and nature and emphasises the importance of living in harmony with the natural world.
Overall, these devices help create a powerful and effective poem that encourages readers to reflect on their lives and connect with others in more meaningful ways.