Historical background of the Victorian age
The period between 1850 and 1900 is the Victorian Age. It was the age of peace, material development, and intellectual flourishing. Some of the leading figures of the Victorian Age are Tennyson, Robert Browning, Charles Dickes, Thackeray, Meredith, Carlyle, Macaulay, and Ruskin.
Literary features of the age deal with developments in mortality and morality, revolts, intellectual developments, new education, and international influences.
It was the age around 60 years between 1830 and 1900 when morality in the age was notable for its extreme deference to convention. Later, the age was ridiculous. It was unseemly for a man to smoke in public, and (much later in the century) for a lady to ride a bicycle. In a sense, the new morality was a natural revolt against the rudeness of the earlier Regency period, and the influence of the Victorian court served it well. This is vividly and abundantly reflected in literature.
The image of revolt in the Victorian age is loudly denounced with varying accents by popular writers such as Carlye and Matthew Arnold. Thackeray never sought to satirise the snobbery of the age; the mannerisms of Browning were an indirect threat to the velvety style of diction and smooth complacency of the Tennyson school.
Intellectual development during the Orian Age, The literary product was an inevitable effect of new ideas in science, and religion and On the Origins of Spices 1859 by Darwin shook its scientific foundations of thought. And many other examples may be Hannoversch.
The emergence of new shoots of education, Educatand andarankinggain measure of education community produce an enormous reading in the public. The cheapening of printing and paper make the theatre flourish. The peak of demand was the th novelist responded with their work was of a high standard.
The age of achievement, with all its immense output, produced no superior and qualified writer. There was no Shakespeare, no Shelley, and no Bryon or Scott. The general literary level, however, was very high, and it was, moreover, an age of wide intellectual horizons, aspirations, and ambitions.
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